With the new Sky Pilot integration with Subscription and Membership apps, you can deliver digital content to customers who pay you a recurring fee, and ensure that once your customers stop paying, access to the digital content is revoked.
Sky Pilot gives you several ways to set up your subscription and for customers to enjoy your content, here we will cover two different scenarios so you can decide what suits your business.
Overview of subscription types
In the All Access subscription, all customers with an active subscription will have access to the same digital content, regardless of when they purchase the subscription. Imagine a business like Netflix or Spotify.
Some businesses prefer to have specific content released at different points in time, and for subscribers to only have access to the content available in the cycle their subscription starts, and all the new content that is released in the future as long as they keep paying for their subscription. This is the traditional Magazine subscription.
This timeline outlines the visibility of content depending on the type of subscription that is set up and purchased.

Setting up the different subscription types
All access subscription
You will need to integrate Sky Pilot with a subscription app, we have a list of recommended partners here. If you want to give all your subscribers of a given subscription access to the same content, the easiest set up is to create one subscription product and add all the digital content to this product.
You can add new content at different points in time when this becomes available, and notify your customers via the email service in Sky Pilot. If you use the Sky Pilot option to notify all past purchasers, this will not check if your subscribers are still active or not. This can be used as a re-engagement strategy but if you prefer to only contact active subscribers we recommend using Klaviyo or another email marketing app.
We have an in-depth article on setup and suggested apps here.
Magazine subscription
There are a few apps that facilitate this process, the easiest is Subscription Plus where you can simply select different products to be delivered every month (or week or day) to customers with an active subscription, you will then associate the relevant digital content to these products using Sky Pilot.
We also recommend Loop Subscriptions if you want more customisation options. Here you can create a Flow and using if/then logic simply add the products for each recurring cycle.