Sky Pilot allows users to customize their delivery pages and emails using various Liquid variables. Below is a summary of the key objects and their properties:
Order Object
- order_number: The order’s unique number.
- id: The unique identifier for the order.
- date: The date the order was placed.
- line_items_with_files: A collection of line items in the order that have files or videos attached.
- delivery_url: A URL for the order’s delivery page.
- authenticated_delivery_url: A URL that requires the customer to log in to access the delivery page.
- customer: The customer who placed the order.
Shop Object
- name: The name of your store.
Customer Object
- id: The unique identifier for the customer.
- orders_with_files: A collection of all orders the customer has placed with files or videos attached.
- email: The customer's email address.
- enabled: A boolean that indicates whether the customer's account is enabled.
- first_name: The customer’s first name.
- last_name: The customer’s last name.
Line Item Object
- product: The product associated with the line item.
- variant: The variant of the product in the line item.
- files: A collection of files attached to the line item.
- videos: A collection of videos attached to the line item.
- id: The unique identifier of the line item.
- collections: A collection of all collections that include this line item.
- title: The title of the product and variant purchased.
- delivery_url: The URL for a page rendered by the line item template.
Product Object
- title: The name of the product.
- featured_image: The URL of the product's featured image.
- id: The unique identifier of the product.
Variant Object
- title: The name or title of the product variant.
File Object
- filename: The file’s name.
- filesize: The size of the file (e.g., 10GB).
- content_type: The MIME type of the file.
- download_url: The URL the customer uses to download the file.
- viewing_url: A URL for viewing the file, though not recommended for secure files.
- id: The unique identifier for the file.
- download_count: The number of times the file has been downloaded.
- download_limit: The maximum number of downloads allowed.
- downloads_remaining: The remaining downloads the customer can make.
- expires_at: The date when the file access expires.
- delivery_url: The URL for a page rendered by the file template, representing only this file.
- collection: The collection the file belongs to.
Video Object
- id: The unique identifier for the video.
- vimeo_id: The ID of the video on Vimeo.
- embed: The embed code for the video.
- thumbnail: The image tag for the video thumbnail.
- title: The title of the video.
- description: The description of the video on Vimeo.
- delivery_url: The URL for the video’s rendered page.
- views: The number of times the video has been viewed.
- expires_at: The date when access to the video expires.
- collection: The collection the video belongs to.
Collection Object
- id: The unique identifier for the collection.
- title: The title of the collection.
- delivery_url: The URL for the rendered page representing only this collection.
- files: A collection of files attached to the collection.
- videos: A collection of videos attached to the collection.
- parent: The parent collection if this collection is a sub-collection.