Sky Pilot adds dynamic pages to your Shopify store where customers can download files or view videos attached to their purchased products. These pages can be customized via HTML/CSS and Liquid from the template settings of your Sky Pilot account.
To do so:
1. Go to Settings

2. Click on Theme

3. In the current theme, click on Actions and select Edit Code

The following templates are customizable, and the liquid variables available within them are listed below.
This is the template for delivering digital goods for a specific order.
Available liquid variables
- Order
- Shop
This is the template for delivering digital goods for all of a customer's past orders
Available liquid variables
- Customer
- Shop
This is the template for delivering digital goods for a specific line item.
Available liquid variables
- line_item
- Order
- Customer
- Shop
This is the template for delivering a specific collection belonging to a line item.
Available liquid variables
- line_item
- Order
- Customer
- Shop
- Collection
This is the template for delivering a specific file belonging to a line item.
Available liquid variables
- line_item
- Order
- Customer
- Shop
- File
- Collection
This is the template for delivering a specific video belonging to a line item.
Available liquid variables
- line_item
- Order
- Customer
- Shop
- Video
- Collection