If the position of a stamp in a PDF is incorrect, you can fix it by exporting the document from Word. Word ensures proper margin height and width, preventing the stamp from ending up in the middle of the page.
Ohjeet (19)
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Siirtyminen Sky Pilotiin toisesta digitaalisten latausten sovelluksesta
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Mukauttaminen (9)
Sending download links in Shopify order confirmation
Aseta esikatselukuvat digitaalisille tiedostoille
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Lisäominaisuudet (9)
Kuinka lisätä "Hyväksyn Ehdot ja Palautusoikeuden" -valintaruutu kassalle
Aseta oma s3-tili
Käyttämällä omaa ulkoista tallennustilaa
Kaupan etusivun API
Lataa iOS:lle
Peru Sky Pilot -tilisi
Tiedostojen/videoiden suojaus Sky Pilotissa
Tilaukset (5)
Setting up Subscription Plus app video
Asiakkaan tunnisteet
Lehtitilaukset tilausplussalla
Digitaalisen sisällön kaikkien pääsytilausten asettaminen
Katsaus tilaustyypeistä
Usein kysytyt kysymykset (19)
Is there an option to allow downloads for Android devices?
My customer's are seeing a 404 page when trying to access their download page. What can I do?
How do I add DNS info to Sky Pilot?
My PDF stamping position is not looking quite right. What can I do?
I don't want the description to appear in my download page. How can I make sure it doesn't?
My download page description does not follow HTML standards. What do I do?
Microsoft Edge is blocking downloads by Sky Pilot for my customers marking them as unsafe. What can I do?
My downloads aren't working and I'm getting a 'This site can't be reached error'. What do I do?
Can I bulk upload attachments to my products in Sky Pilot?
Can I sort the files in my customer's library by order creation date?
Is download limit affected by playing audio/videos?
Any countries where Vimeo is banned?
If my customers create an account for my website after they have previously downloaded the purchased files via email, will they still be able to see those files?
Is there a limit on the number of files that can be added to the products?
Is it possible to add the additional charge to the base price of the product if we add digital content to it?
How do customers receive the file when they purchase my product, is it just a download link or is it delivered in a specific format?
Are there any apps that conflict with Sky Pilot?
What does pending access mean in the “Order” section?
Where do I see the added photo or video or file when I added it to a specific product?
My PDF stamping position is not looking quite right. What can I do?
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