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How to Add a View All Button on Shopify

How to Add a View All Button on Shopify
How to Add a View All Button on Shopify

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Why Add a "View All" Button?
  3. How to Add a "View All" Button on Shopify
  4. Common Issues and Troubleshooting
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQ


Imagine browsing through an intriguing collection on a Shopify store, only to find that there's no easy way to view all the products available. Frustrating, isn't it? This common bottleneck can hamper the shopping experience. Thankfully, there's a straightforward solution: adding a "View All" button. This small yet significant feature can enhance user navigation, keep customers engaged longer, and ultimately boost sales.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll cover how to implement a "View All" button in various Shopify themes. We'll walk you through the steps to customize your store's code, ensuring the button fits seamlessly into your website design. By the end of this article, you'll be able to implement this feature with minimal fuss, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics on your Shopify store.

Why Add a "View All" Button?

Adding a "View All" button to your collections has several key benefits:

  1. Improved Navigation: Makes it easier for customers to view all items in a collection with a single click.
  2. Enhanced User Experience: Streamlines the browsing process, making it more likely that users will find what they’re looking for.
  3. Increased Sales Potential: By providing an easy way to view all items, you encourage more thorough browsing, which can lead to increased sales.
  4. Consistency Across Themes: Ensures that users have a consistent experience, regardless of the theme your Shopify store uses.
  5. Customization: Allows you to tailor the browsing experience to better match your brand aesthetics.

How to Add a "View All" Button on Shopify

Step-by-Step Guide for Various Themes

1. For the Brooklyn Theme

The Brooklyn theme is popular for its clean and minimal design. Here’s how you can add a "View All" button to the featured collections:

  1. Navigate to the Edit Code Section:

    • Go to your Shopify admin panel, click on Online Store > Themes, and then Actions > Edit Code.
  2. Find the Featured Collection Section:

    • Under Sections, locate featured-collection.liquid.
  3. Insert the Button Code:

    • Add the following code snippet just below the </div> closing tag of the featured collection markup:
    <div class="view_all">
        <a href="/vi/collections/all" class="btn">View All</a>
  4. Style the Button:

    • Go to Assets > theme.scss.liquid and add the necessary CSS to style the button:
    .view_all .btn {
        display: block;
        margin: 20px auto;
        padding: 10px 20px;
        background-color: #000; /* Change to your preferred color */
        color: #fff; /* Change to your preferred color */
        text-align: center;
        text-decoration: none;
        border-radius: 5px;
  5. Save Changes:

    • Click Save to apply the changes.

2. For the Debut Theme

If you're using the Debut theme, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Theme’s Code:

    • Navigate to Online Store > Themes > Actions > Edit Code.
  2. Locate the Relevant Section:

    • Open Sections > collection-template.liquid.
  3. Add the Button:

    • Insert this code snippet at the desired location within the collection template:
    <div class="view_all">
        <a href="/vi/collections/all" class="btn">View All</a>
  4. Include Styling:

    • Under Assets, open theme.scss.liquid and add:
    .view_all .btn {
        display: block;
        margin: 20px auto;
        padding: 10px 20px;
        background-color: #007bff; /* Adjust as necessary */
        color: #fff;
        text-align: center;
        border: none;
        border-radius: 4px;
  5. Save Your Work:

    • Ensure you save the adjustments.

3. For the Minimal Theme

Minimal theme users can implement the button as follows:

  1. Go to Edit Code:

    • In your Shopify admin, navigate to Online Store > Themes > Actions > Edit Code.
  2. Open the Appropriate Liquid File:

    • Locate Sections > collection-template.liquid.
  3. Insert the Button Code:

    • Paste the following code where you want the button to appear:
    <div class="view_all">
        <a href="/vi/collections/all" class="btn">View All</a>
  4. Customize the Appearance:

    • Open Assets > theme.scss.liquid and add the CSS for the button:
    .view_all .btn {
        display: block;
        margin: 20px auto;
        padding: 10px 15px;
        background-color: #d9534f; /* Update to match your theme colors */
        color: #ffffff;
        text-align: center;
        border-radius: 4px;
        text-decoration: none;
  5. Save Modifications:

    • Click Save to update the theme.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Button Not Appearing

  • Ensure Correct Placement: Double-check that the button code is placed correctly within the relevant liquid file.
  • Check CSS Link: Verify that the CSS class for the button matches what you’ve defined in your styles.
  • Clear Cache: Sometimes, changes may not reflect immediately. Clear your browser cache and refresh the page.

Styling Issues

  • CSS Specificity: Make sure your CSS rules are specific enough to override existing styles.
  • Use Developer Tools: Utilize browser developer tools to inspect and troubleshoot style issues.

Button Link Not Working

  • Verify URL Path: Ensure the href attribute points to the correct collection or page.
  • Correct Syntax: Confirm that your HTML is correctly formatted.


Adding a "View All" button to your Shopify store can significantly enhance the user experience by providing an easy way to browse all products in a collection. This customization is not only beneficial for better navigation but can also potentially boost your sales by encouraging customers to explore more products.

By following the steps outlined for different themes, you can easily implement this feature and tailor it to fit seamlessly with your store’s design. We hope this guide has empowered you to make your Shopify store even more user-friendly.


Q: Why is my "View All" button not showing up?

A: Double-check that you’ve placed the code snippet in the correct location of your theme’s liquid files. Also, make sure that your CSS classes match exactly.

Q: Can I style the button differently for each collection?

A: Yes, you can add unique classes or ids to each button and then define specific styles in your CSS file.

Q: What if I want the button to link to a different page?

A: Simply change the href attribute in the button's HTML code to the desired URL.

Q: Do I need to know how to code to add this button?

A: While some basic understanding of HTML and CSS is helpful, this guide provides step-by-step instructions that you can follow even if you are not an expert.

Q: Will this customization affect my store’s performance?

A: Adding a "View All" button is a minor change and should not impact your store’s performance. However, always preview your changes and test for any unexpected issues.

Enhance your shoppers' experience today with this simple yet effective customization!