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How to Add Multiple Products to a Collection on Shopify

How to Add Multiple Products to a Collection on Shopify
How to Add Multiple Products to a Collection on Shopify

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating Collections in Shopify
  3. Adding Multiple Products Using the Shopify Admin Interface
  4. Using CSV Upload for Bulk Product Addition
  5. Automating with Tags and Conditions
  6. Using Third-Party Apps
  7. Utilizing Shopify API for Advanced Needs
  8. Conclusion
  9. FAQ


Imagine having an online store with hundreds or even thousands of products, and you want to group them into collections for better customer navigation. Doing this manually for each product is impractical. For Shopify store owners, this scenario is common. Learning how to streamline the process of adding multiple products to a collection can save you invaluable time and effort.

In this blog post, we'll guide you through different methods to add multiple products to a collection on Shopify. This includes using Shopify's admin interface, bulk CSV uploads, and leveraging third-party apps and the Shopify API. By the end of this article, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of the techniques and tools available to streamline your store management.

Creating Collections in Shopify

Manual Collections

Manual collections only include products you select and stay fixed unless manually updated.

Steps to Create a Manual Collection:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products > Collections.
  2. Click Create collection.
  3. Enter a title and description.
  4. In the Collection type section, select Manual.
  5. Click Save.
  6. In the Products section, search for products or click Browse, then add the products.
  7. Adjust the display order if needed.
  8. Click Save.

Automatic Collections

Automatic collections include products based on conditions you set (e.g., product type, price, tag).

Steps to Create an Automatic Collection:

  1. Go to Products > Collections.
  2. Click Create collection.
  3. Enter a collection title and description.
  4. In the Collection type section, select Automated.
  5. Define the conditions.
  6. Click Save.

Adding Multiple Products Using the Shopify Admin Interface

You can add multiple products using the Shopify admin interface effectively if you prefer a manual but straightforward approach.

Steps to Add Products to an Existing Manual Collection:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products > Collections.
  2. Select the collection you want to update.
  3. In the Products section, search or browse for products.
  4. Add the desired products.
  5. Click Save.


You cannot add product variants individually; you add the entire product.

Using CSV Upload for Bulk Product Addition

When dealing with vast product inventories, CSV uploads can be a lifesaver.

Preparing the CSV File

  1. Export your Products:

    • Go to Products.
    • Click Export.
    • Choose the desired columns to export (usually include the "Handle" and the "Title").
  2. Add Collection Handles:

    • Open the CSV file.
    • Find the column labeled "Custom Collections".
    • Add the collection handle(s) for each product. Multiple collections can be comma-separated.

Importing the CSV File

  1. Go to Products.
  2. Click Import.
  3. Upload your updated CSV file.
  4. Shopify will process the file and apply the changes.

Automating with Tags and Conditions

Tags offer a flexible way to categorize products. These can be leveraged to streamline the creation of automated collections.

Bulk Editing Product Tags

  1. From your Products page, select the products to tag.
  2. Click Edit Products.
  3. To add a tag, use the Add fields > Tags option.
  4. Enter the tags and apply.

Creating a Collection Based on Tags

  1. Go to Collections.
  2. Click Create collection.
  3. Select Automated under Collection type.
  4. Set a condition such as "Product tag is equal to [tag]".
  5. Click Save.

Using Third-Party Apps

Third-party apps like Matrixify and Ablestar can significantly simplify bulk operations.


  1. Export Products: Choose the option to export "Basic Columns" including product handles and custom collections.
  2. Edit CSV: Add collection handles under the "Custom Collections" column.
  3. Import: Use Matrixify to import the updated CSV back into Shopify.


  1. Install Ablestar Bulk Product Editor.
  2. Use the app’s interface to filter and select products.
  3. Add or change collections in bulk.
  4. Save changes, with options for live previews and rollbacks.

Utilizing Shopify API for Advanced Needs

For developers and technical users, Shopify's API offers sophisticated control over collections.

Example: Add Multiple Products to a Custom Collection via API

GraphQL Mutation Example

mutation {
  collectionUpdate(input: {id: "gid://shopify/Collection/123456789", productsToAdd: ["gid://shopify/Product/1", "gid://shopify/Product/2"]}) {
    collection {
      products(first: 10) {
        edges {
          node {

REST API Example:

curl -d '{"collect": {"product_id": 123456789, "collection_id": 987654321}}' \
-X POST "" \
-H "X-Shopify-Access-Token: your-access-token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

For bulk operations, call the API iteratively or batch process multiple products in a single request where possible.


Adding multiple products to a collection on Shopify can be managed efficiently with the right approach, whether it's through the admin interface, CSV uploads, third-party apps, or API calls. Understanding these methods will enable you to streamline your product management, making your online store more organized and easier to navigate for your customers.

Implement these strategies to enhance your Shopify experience, and keep your store running smoothly with minimal manual effort.


Can I add product variants individually to a collection?

No, Shopify only allows the addition of entire products to a collection.

Is it possible to automate adding products to collections?

Yes, automatic collections based on set conditions (like tags, price, etc.) can auto-populate with products meeting those criteria.

Are there third-party apps to simplify this process?

Yes, apps like Matrixify and Ablestar Bulk Product Editor can streamline adding multiple products to collections.

Can I bulk edit collections directly from the Shopify admin?

While you can bulk edit many product attributes, adding them to collections typically requires separate steps but can be eased with tools like bulk editors or API scripts.