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How to Remove Buy It Now Button in Shopify

How to Remove Buy It Now Button in Shopify
How to Remove Buy It Now Button in Shopify

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Why Remove the Buy It Now Button?
  3. Method 1: Disabling the Button via Shopify Admin
  4. Method 2: Using Code Customization
  5. Common Issues and Troubleshooting
  6. Advanced Customization
  7. Conclusion
  8. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Have you ever found yourself wanting to customize your Shopify store but being unable to find the right buttons to press? Maybe you’ve heard complaints from users who've accidentally skipped important steps by hitting the "Buy It Now" button. If you're looking to remove this button from your product pages, we're here to guide you through the process.

In a rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape, it's essential for merchants to have full control over their store's interface to ensure seamless user experiences. Shopify, known for its robust customization options, enables you to fine-tune your store down to the most meticulous detail, including its buttons. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to remove the "Buy It Now" button in Shopify, covering multiple methods that cater to different levels of technical skill.

Why Remove the Buy It Now Button?

Removing the "Buy It Now" button might be necessary due to several reasons:

  • User Journey Control: Keeping customers on the product page long enough to add upsells or enter additional information.
  • Error Avoidance: Preventing customers from skipping necessary steps, such as choosing options or entering personalization details.
  • Aesthetic Preferences: Simplifying the interface to fit your specific design requirements.

By the end of this post, you will know how to disable this button through both the Shopify admin panel and code customization.

Method 1: Disabling the Button via Shopify Admin

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Navigate to Online Store: Log in to your Shopify admin panel and go to Online Store, then Themes.
  2. Customize Theme: Click on the "Customize" button next to the theme you’d like to edit.
  3. Access Product Pages: From the customization menu, navigate to your product pages.
  4. Disable Dynamic Checkout Button: Locate the "Show dynamic checkout button" option, which is often found in the product information section or under product page settings, and uncheck it. Some themes may label this option differently, such as "Accelerated checkout" or "Buy now."

Effective Tips:

  • All Themes are Different: The exact location of the dynamic checkout button option varies between themes.
  • Save Your Changes: Always remember to click 'Save' after making any adjustments to ensure the changes are applied.

Method 2: Using Code Customization

For those who cannot find the option in their theme settings or who need additional customization, you can remove the button by editing your theme’s code.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Access Code Editor: From the Shopify admin panel, go to Online Store, select Themes, and then click "Actions" followed by "Edit Code".

  2. Locate the Product Template: Find the product-template.liquid file, usually located in the 'Sections' directory.

  3. Edit the Code: Look for the portion of the code that includes the dynamic checkout or payment button. This is often a conditional statement checking for section.settings.enable_payment_button.

  4. Comment or Delete Code: You can either comment out this block of code using {% comment %}...{% endcomment %} or delete it entirely.

    {% comment %}
    {% if section.settings.enable_payment_button %}
    {{ form | payment_button }}
    {% endif %}
    {% endcomment %}

Effective Tips:

  • Backup First: Always back up your theme before making any changes.
  • Test Changes: After editing the code, preview your changes to ensure they work as expected without breaking other functionalities of your store.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Issue 1: Button Still Visible After Disabling

Solution: It might be cached. Clear your browser’s cache and cookies or try viewing your store in an incognito window.

Issue 2: Removing the Button Affects Layout

Solution: You may need to adjust your CSS to fill in the gap left by the button. Add custom CSS to your theme’s stylesheet (often theme.scss.liquid or a similar file).

.product-single__meta {
    margin-bottom: 0; /* Adjust the bottom margin to close the gap */

Issue 3: Button Only Partially Removed

Solution: Ensure that all relevant code blocks related to the button are either commented out or properly adjusted. Some themes might have multiple instances where the "Buy It Now" button is defined, including in related modules or snippets.

Advanced Customization

Conditional Removal Based on Product Tags

You might want to remove the button only for certain products. Here’s how you can do it using product tags:

  1. Tag Your Products: Go to the product you want to modify, add a tag, for example, no-buy-now.
  2. Edit the Code: In the product-template.liquid file, use a Liquid condition to check for the tag.
{% unless product.tags contains 'no-buy-now' %}
   {% if section.settings.enable_payment_button %}
   {{ form | payment_button }}
   {% endif %}
{% endunless %}

This way, the button will only be removed for products tagged with no-buy-now.


Removing the "Buy It Now" button from your Shopify store can significantly enhance the shopping experience by ensuring customers follow the journey you’ve designed. Whether you use the admin settings or delve into the code, the methods outlined in this guide should help you achieve your customization goals. By carefully considering the reasons and methods outlined, you can ensure a seamless, user-friendly shopping experience tailored specifically for your audience.

Now that you know how to remove the "Buy It Now" button, your store's user navigation can be more controlled and purposeful, leading to potentially higher conversions and customer satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can I remove the button for specific products only? A: Yes, you can use product tags and conditional statements in your Liquid code to target specific products.

Q: Will removing the button reduce my conversion rates? A: It might initially, but if it’s leading to a more controlled and user-friendly purchasing process, it could improve conversions in the long run.

Q: Do I need coding skills to remove the "Buy It Now" button? A: Not necessarily, you can use the admin settings if available. However, for more granular control, some basic understanding of code is beneficial.

Q: Can I hide the button on mobile devices only? A: Yes, you can use custom CSS to hide the button on mobile devices based on screen size.

Q: Is it reversible? A: Yes, changes made via the admin panel can be easily toggled back. For code changes, ensure you backup the original code and you can simply revert to it if needed.