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Do I Have to Register My Shopify Business?

Do I Have to Register My Shopify Business?
Do I Have to Register My Shopify Business?

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Why Business Registration Matters
  3. When is Business Registration Necessary for a Shopify Store?
  4. Steps to Register Your Shopify Business
  5. Why Getting a Business License is Beneficial
  6. Common FAQs About Shopify Business Registration
  7. Conclusion
  8. FAQs


Starting an online Shopify store offers a fantastic opportunity to tap into a global market, but many new entrepreneurs have a burning question: "Do I have to register my Shopify business?" This query is more than just a legal consideration—it's integral to ensuring your business runs smoothly and complies with applicable laws.

Seeing Shopify's ecosystem brimming with thriving businesses, it's clear that successful online entrepreneurship is attainable. However, understanding the nuances of business registration can be tricky. This blog aims to demystify the process, equipping you with the knowledge necessary to set up your Shopify store without hitches while staying compliant.

Why Business Registration Matters

Legal Compliance

When you register your business, you are legally recognized by your local, state, or national government. This registration might be mandatory based on your location or industry. Not adhering to these legal requirements can result in penalties or the shutdown of your business.

Credibility and Trust

A registered business often inspires more confidence among customers. When consumers see that a business is officially registered, they are more likely to trust that business, directly impacting your brand's reputation and sales.

Financial Management

Registering your business helps in managing finances effectively. It allows you to open business bank accounts, which simplifies accounting and secures your personal finances from business liabilities.

Access to Business Services

Many services essential for running a business, such as payment gateways, shipping services, and even promotional deals with suppliers, often require proof of business registration.

When is Business Registration Necessary for a Shopify Store?

Income Threshold

If your Shopify store exceeds a certain income (often $20,000 per month in many jurisdictions), you need to register your business. Governments keep tabs on higher-revenue businesses for tax purposes, making registration a step you can't skip.

Use of Payment Gateways

To use certain payment gateways on Shopify, you must be a registered business. This requirement ensures that only legitimate businesses can access these services, safeguarding both the payment processors and customers.

Local Laws and Regulations

Different regions have unique requirements. For instance, in the United States, business licensing can vary significantly from state to state. Even if Shopify doesn't mandate registration, your local laws might.

Industry-Specific Regulations

If you sell regulated goods like alcohol, firearms, or health-related products, you'll need specific licenses in addition to regular business registration. Compliance with these regulations protects both your business and your customers.

Steps to Register Your Shopify Business

Choose a Business Structure

Decide whether your business will be a sole proprietorship, a limited liability company (LLC), or any other legal entity type. Each structure has different implications for taxes, liability, and regulatory obligations.

Sole Proprietorship

  • Pros: Easy to set up, less paperwork.
  • Cons: Personal liability for business debts.

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

  • Pros: Liability protection, potential tax benefits.
  • Cons: More complex to set up than sole proprietorships.

Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Any business entity other than a sole proprietorship will likely need an EIN from the IRS. An EIN acts like a social security number for your business and is crucial for tax and business registration purposes.

Research Required Licenses and Permits

Different types of businesses require different licenses and permits. Research what's needed based on your location and industry. Useful resources include local government websites and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).

Apply for Business Registration

Filling out the necessary paperwork and submitting it to your local, state, or national government agency is the next step. This process might involve some fees and the completion of various forms depending on your location and business type.

Manage Ongoing Compliance

Business registration isn't a one-time task. Ensure you understand the ongoing compliance requirements such as renewing licenses, annual reporting, and tax filing.

Why Getting a Business License is Beneficial

Credibility and Customer Trust

A business license can reassure your customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders that you’re operating a legitimate business. It can serve as a cornerstone in building long-term trust and loyalty.

Legal Protection

Operating without the necessary business licenses can expose you to legal risks, including fines or forced closure by regulatory authorities. A business license ensures you're on the right side of the law.

Financial Management

A business license allows you to open a business bank account, which can aid in better financial management and simplify tax filings.

Government Assistance and Grants

Registered businesses may qualify for government assistance programs or grants, which can provide critical support for growth and sustainability.

Common FAQs About Shopify Business Registration

Can I Run a Shopify Business Without Registering It?

Technically, yes, you can start your Shopify store without immediate registration. However, various factors—such as income level, the need for payment gateways, and local regulations—often necessitate business registration eventually.

What Happens If I Don't Register My Business?

Operating an unregistered business can lead to legal repercussions, including fines and potential shutdowns. Unregistered businesses also miss out on many operational benefits like easier tax management and customer trust.

How Much Does It Cost to Register a Business?

The cost varies by location and business structure but generally ranges from $50 to several hundred dollars. Always check the exact fees in your jurisdiction.

Is Registering a Business Different from Getting a Business License?

Yes, registration often refers to legally acknowledging your business at local or state levels, while a business license is a permit that allows you to operate specific types of businesses. You may need both depending on your business type and location.

If I Change My Shopify Store's Name, Do I Need a New Business License?

Not necessarily, but you must update your existing business registration and notify the necessary authorities. Sometimes, an EIN update might also be needed.


Understanding whether you need to register your Shopify business is critical for legal compliance and future growth. While the need for registration can depend on various factors, including your income level, use of payment gateways, and local regulations, erring on the side of caution and getting registered is often a wise decision. This not only ensures compliance but also builds trust with your customers and stakeholders.

By adhering to the steps outlined in this guide, you can set yourself up for success and avoid any legal complications down the road. Whether you’re at the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey or scaling up your already successful Shopify store, ensuring you meet all legal requirements is a cornerstone of sustainable business growth.


Q: Can you run a Shopify store without registering it?

A: Yes, initially you can, but certain factors like income level, payment gateways, and local regulations will eventually require you to register.

Q: Is it important to register a small business?

A: Yes, it is crucial for legal compliance, credibility, and financial management.

Q: Do I need to register my small business with the IRS?

A: If your business is not a sole proprietorship, you will need an EIN from the IRS.

Q: How much does it cost to register a business?

A: It can range from $50 to several hundred dollars based on your location and business type.

With the right approach and understanding, you can navigate the complexities of business registration and set your Shopify store on a path to success.